Coachella Valley Kids

Spend Spring on the Stage with These Theater Programs for Kids

“All the world’s a stage” is how the old saying goes, and whether your child has a tendency for dramatics or is simply looking for a creative outlet to express themselves as an after school activity, the Coachella Valley offers several different theater programs to inspire budding actors. According to research conducted by Dr. James Catterall of UCLA’s Graduate School of Education, students who take part in theater as an extracurricular are more likely to get involved in community service.

Olive Crest is Dedicated to Preventing Child Abuse

According to, more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 6.6 million children every year. Olive Crest is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing child abuse, treating and educating at-risk children, and preserving the family. The organization has a branch in Palm Desert to serve families in the Coachella Valley. Most children arrive via County Departments of Children and Family Services.

School to School Water Project

Adults are most often the ones coming to the aid of children, but this is an instance of kids advocating for kids with James Monroe Elementary’s School to School Water Project. Three years ago, Nathan Manderfeld’s fifth grade class started a movement called the School to School Water Project with the intention of getting students involved in service learning through building clean water wells at schools in the developing world.